This is a really nice place in old-port for a SPA / hot - cold water circuit.
This business has been there for a few years now, it's on a small boat that's been converted to be a SPA. I've heard +++ about it by my best friend but never went there because of convenience.
Well happened to be my best friend's bachelorette party, so we did go there for a 3-hour circuit plus massage on a Sunday afternoon. I must say it is a very nice place. My massage therapist was really good too.
You must bring your own stuff : bathrobe, swimsuit, flipflops (if not you pay extra for those)
It's quite pricey though, and there is no parking (well it's old port, so good luck!!).
It cost about 150-175$/ person i think for the afternoon (3h bath+ the massage included)
We could have a stayed a bit longer if we paid an extra 10 or 15$ I believe. If you've never been, I do suggest you try it, it's different of the other spas for its location, the really nice view on old port and the converted boat.
It's small if you compared to other spas.
I really hesitated between a 4 or a 5. I'd probably give it a 9/10 !!