A completely entertaining and wonderful experience. A kind of magic variety show where they'll jump from dangerous tricks, to tried and tried sleight of hand. If you enjoy a fun, relaxed show with some comedy and music between sets, this is for you!
Naathan Phan is a master of voices and was super funny between his acts. Impressive magic and really got the crowd going when things got cold. His interactions with everyone else in the show were amazing, and he never stopped going at 100%. I appreciated the confetti, thanks Naathan!
Tommy Wind didn't get enough mic time! I feel like if he had more room to grow personality wise, his segments would be muchore entertaining; but the magic really speaks for itself, his Illusions were pretty wild.
Greg Gleason was a master of the big wow; the finale and every major moment had the crowd pretty literally on the edge of their seat wondering how he just did all of that. Swapping the butts was pretty amazing.
Chris Randall was their up close guy. Really nailing down a stage routine for his Magician Championships must have been nerve wracking, but he was a pro and killed it with the cards. Everything was flawless and entertaining as I'd ever seen!
Overall an amazing show, I don't want to spoil anything, so go see it!