Well of course you're company has fallen short again. I've paid out of pocket to have the system looked at by two other companies, to be certain of the diagnostic you're contractor said needed to be replaced. Both independent AC companies stated that my system didn't not have the problems you're contractor listed but yet a completely different problem. It's sad to see the way you're company conducts themselves and treats the paying consumer. Not one person from one guard has reached out to me to see if I was satisfied with the outcome or anything. It's apparent you're contractor you use intentionally finds things that are not covered or are only partially covered so you both can benefit
and in an attempt defraud you're consumer. This information I've be given will all be forwarded to the Maricopa County Attorney General's office for further review. This is FRAUD at it's finest and should not be tolerated by consumer's. One Guard you should be ashamed of yourselves and the crook contractors you're hiring to help line you're pockets.