After hearing about how their incompetent joke of a staff left a dog in the back of their van over the weekend of July 29th 2016,I would have to say PLEASE GO THERE AND RESCUE THESE ANIMALS FROM THE MINDLESS WORTHLESS STAFF THAT COULDNT EVEN DO THE ONE THING THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO DO.....PROTECT,CONTROL AND SHELTER THE ANIMALS! This is the dumbest thing I've heard in a long long time.I certainly wouldn't trust these people to give a dog a bath let alone shelter one.All of them should be fired,jailed and fined to the absolute hilt! OR MAYBE LEFT IN A VAN FOR A WEEKEND SO THEY KNOW HOW IT FEELS! Maybe a career change that doesn't involve anyone or anything relying on them.Something that doesn't involve life or death situations for humans or circus clowns perhaps! This goes for the BAFOONS at Las Vegas Metro Animal Cruelty Division that raided the Rooster farm in Las Vegas and killed 7 puppies in the process by leaving them outside to cook.Useless jokes!