Coyote Springs is an excellent and challenging golf course. And the 10 plus times I've played here, the course was always in immaculate condition. No weeds, no bald spots. Just perfect playing conditions. Not surprising that Golf Digest rates this course as a Top 100 Places to Play Golf in the US. But I don't need Golf Digest to tell me that is is a great place to play and it's even getting better as the trees and foliage mature.
IMHO, for the money, you can't beat this deal in southern Nevada. Sure, Wolf Creek is nice; but you have to fork out $195. Who can afford to pay this on a regular basis? At Coyote Springs, you pay only $60 during the peak season with the OB membership card, and even less during the off season. Where else in the country can you play a Nicklaus designed, award winning golf course at this price? So let's see; I can play Coyote Springs 3 times for less than the price I have to pay for one time at Wolf Creek. So where do you think I'm going to play for a first class golf experience in southern Nevada?