Has the Fiber optics stuff I've heard of started yet?this company is the Jessie James of the cable community. hands are tied. everything else pretty much sucks even more. I've paid them thousands over the years and cant even get youtube videos to buffer in time right now...and that's after i increased a level.PEOPLE! i'M NOT EVEN A DOWNLOADER!!!Just email/FB occasionally ..but i have no other choice!! cox!!!!!! you freaking suck!!!!!suck baddddddd!!!sucking alllll of our money!!!!! stop it stop it stop it!!!!!! that's enough!! i'm so sick of paying all this money and your service sucks!!!!!!sucks!!!!!!sucks!!!!! stop!!!!!!!! YOU'RE SO UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GREEDY AND INCONSIDERATE IS COX! Get a heart and spine and change please...