Best all you can eat sushi in town? But "Best" is such a big word so let's settle for "Great".
The place has become a fail-safe dinner option ever since I moved into town. Service is great & very prompt, no matter what you pick off the all you can eat menu, its always pleasurable.
That being said my current tally of what I've had (will continually update):
-Kill Samurai
-Crispy Vacation
-Spider Roll
-Rum Jungle
While I'm not a big fan of my scallops (Dynamite) swimming in a bowl of grease & mayo, after you shake off all the grease its light on the palate & heavy on taste.
Japanese salsa is such a wonderful food invention! Light, rich, mildly hot & extremely versatile that would I would prefer all my sushi be served with it! Or just pack it up in a jar for me to consume at home!
It seems that their menu has changed since my last visit before I started yelping.