If you've ever craved a mashup of vaguely Mexican and even more vaguely Chinese foods served in an aluminum to-go bowl with ample grease and a delicious bonus cookie (Like you need even MORE calories at this point! (You do, though.)) then Chino Bandido is your place. Where else in town can you get Americanized Chinese foods in a quesadilla? The black beans are magical, and the cookies are always chewy and fresh. Unfortunately, my favorite emerald chicken quesadilla seems to be the soppiest item on the menu. I think combining greasy chicken with greasy cheese is probably not the wisest choice. Tastiest, though.
Lately I've noticed the food seems to be a lot heavier with grease than it used to be, so I think limiting Chino outings to a quarterly or semi-annual affair is probably smart. My last visit left me a wee bit comatose and with the urge to hit the gym once I'd recovered. Definitely not healthy fare at all, but if you go to a greasy spoon and order a vegetable/salad type thing, you're kind of an idiot anyway. This isn't the place for that behavior.