| - Oh my word. I dined here in March 2011 and I do not remember much except for 4 things:
1. Excellent Service
2. Foie Gras
3. Bambi
4. I dropped the most expensive deuce in my life. Ever.
1. Where can I begin? Oh, man. My sister and I dined here because she wanted to eat at "somewhere nice," to which I happily suggested that we dine at Picasso. When we arrived to the restaurant, we were warmly greeted by two hostesses and were seated at our table. Note: It was DARK in here. I wonder if the dim lighting was a ploy to enhance the appearance of the food, the people around me, or hide the ninjas lurking around the joint. Our waiter was excellent in taking care of us. He was at our beck and call and answered any and every question we had for him. The servers were awesome as well, and well-versed in the food they brought out. Absolutely bomb diggity excellent.
2. Yes, I know. The poor duckies. As much as I am into advocating for the humane treatment of our fine, feathered friends..I just couldn't resist flying to Vegas to grab a taste. It's reverse psychology to me. Here, I'll try it on you. Don't think about pink elephants. It's bad, I mean it. Don't! Oh, but you are!
Bad example, but whatever.
My first bite was extremely salty for some reason. It felt like I had eaten a teaspoon of table salt. What the heck? It was no biggie, because the second bite was pure fatty bliss. It was perfectly balanced, floral, musky, meaty and fatty. I think I lost about a year of my life from eating pure decadence. My arteries were not happy.
3. Get the fallow deer. I asked my sister, "what is fallow deer?" She then told me to Google it. Wikipedia presented a picture of Bambi to me. Gosh darn it, Bambi, why are you so melt-in-your-mouth delicious? The Bambi medallions were cooked impeccably in a rich, red sauce that was delicately spooned onto my plate, table-side. What a great presentation.
4. After ending my meal with coffee and mignardises, after walking out of the restaurant and riding the escalators up into the casino, after feeling blissful from having dined at a fine establishment, AND after situating myself at a lounge to drink away the night, my stomach decided to expel ALL of the rich food I had the pleasure of having within the last hour. Thank god the restroom was 10 feet from where I was seated. Let this show you that the food was incredibly RICH, soo rich that my stomach couldn't bear it.
That was $200 down the drain. Literally.
In any case, I absolutely enjoyed every second here. We never felt rushed or judged upon. It was just my sister and I basking in the greatness of good food, service, and company.