I was FORCED to get TDS because my apartment building was prewired for it. I had to wait 2 weeks to get it installed, and when they left, the password and pin information they left in the paperwork was incorrect, and I had to spend forever on the phone trying to straighten this out so I could set up my e-pay account. After signing a contract that said I would be charged $69.95 a month, I was charged OVER $100 for my monthly bill. When I called to see what was up, they told me the total was after "taxes and fees" that were added on to my bill. And when I called to cancel because I'm moving, THEY ARE CHARGING ME $21 TO RETURN THE CABLE BOX AND ROUTER. There is NO OPTION to drop it off, you HAVE to pay. What a scam! Especially because I had my own router that I wanted to use and was told I HAD to use theirs. I would seriously look elsewhere for cable, Madison has some other great options like Charter (the amount on your contract is actually what you pay) and AT&T.