SCAM COMPANY! STAY FAR, FAR AWAY! Do not let them get their hooks into you at all - they never let go. I took over a business over 5 years ago that had used them - their defective ink cartridges were part of the sale of the business. I recognized the cartridges as refills/re-manufactured/non-OEM and tried to return them to our local cartridge re-fill place - not theirs! I asked the previous owner from who I purchased the business, and she said she got them from Associated Supply, which is a company that cold calls and claims to be "your ink supplier". I told them about the defects and that I do not do business with companies with their marketing schemes (pushy cold calls). They stopped calling for awhile, then started calling again once a month or so. I would usually see their name on caller ID and not answer.
Last week, they started calling multiple times a day. I told one of their telemarketers to stop calling, and he got rude so I hung up and complained to the BBB (of which they are an accredited member with an "A+ rating" (even though they have 7 negative reviews on the BBB site as compared to 1 positive)). After complaining and being told by Ken Sabblut that I would be placed on their do not call list, the calls continue, multiple times a day. I am usually a cool customer but I work alone and when I have to stop what I am doing to run to the phone to have it be Associated Supply (again) it is beyond aggravating. They have pushed me to my limit, and I will be buying a can of air horn to keep next to my phone for their next call.