Omg I had a family member call me to pick them up from this area and wow. This place is full of drug addicts all over the place. It was about noon and I was there for about ten minutes while my family member was getting their things from one of the rooms and even the rooms are built like crap. While I was there I saw several addicts that were walking around talking to themselves. I even seen one guy so messed up he started reaching inside one of the windows of someone's room and started grabbing things and then another addict came and told them to stop and it was just crazy. There was a pregnant girl who came up and asked if we knew where to get anything as in drugs. I couldn't believe this place man. This place should get condemned and knocked down. I talked to the person staying next to where my family member stayed that night and they said they paid for a room and then had bites on their arms and found out that there is bed bugs so told the owner and the owner told them they have a no refunds policy and if they want another room they would have to pay for another room. So not only are the tenants weird and scary, it seems like the owners are just as bad. This neighbor that was staying next to my family member even said that the manager is a big drug addict and carries a gun on her. Scary place. I would stay away from here. There was people walking all over back and forth and talking to themselves and doing weird random things. Not worth even driving by.