Word of advice... Take a pic of the clothes that you want cleaned prior to getting them serviced. Came to Green Cleaners because of the great rating and reviews... WHAT A FREAKING DISAPPOINTMENT!!!! I got a vest serviced and yes, they were fast, but they ruined the hell out of it. First of all, my vest was noticeably lighter in color and had white streaks. I know EXACTLY how it looked before and it was NEVER that light and it NEVER had white streaks. When I asked what happened, they told me that it's because of the silk fabric that it faded. EFFING BULL.... It's not even silk, it's made from 100% lyocell. Then they came up with more BULL reasons asking if I sweated in it?!?!?! Ummmmm.... It's a cover up and it's only the second time that I've worn it so it's basically brand FUCKING new...... and I don't know how their sweat looks, but I doubt it makes white MOTHER EFFING STREAKS!!!!!
Again... make sure to TAKE A PIC of your clothes!!!