| - My daughter in law, her mom, and sister went here for years, so I joined the family's favorite place to go for mani, pedis, etc. My daughter in law new everyone there. I loved the place the first six months I went (twice a month).
New management and none of us are going back!
The last time I went, I treated myself to a pedicure with all the works. I was looking forward to a quiet, relaxing, friendly, beautiful pedicure and leg massage. Short story: --
--the employees were yelling at each throughout the entire time
--children were running about interfering with employees and clients, causing even more yelling from employees to children.
--The pedicure looked good when I left, and my feet looked much pinker
--But, That evening I noticed deep scrapes all along the sides of both feet.
--I awoke in the morning to my feet hurting, with fairly large bloody, open scrape sores!
--My feet had been rubbed, scraped, and pumice stoned to shreds.
-- About a month later and I still can't wear shoes other than flip flops because I still have one painful sore.
-- You can still see where the rest of the scrapes were on both of my feet.
--During this time I have also had to avoid the pool, and slacks or skirts( or anything else) that brush the outside or inside of my feet.
--The place I'm going to now still has to be very careful about handling my heals all the way to my ankle bones.