| - Now I like McDonald's, I really do. But since I was but a wee lad, I have always had this soft spot for Jack In the Box. Sure, there was that whole kangaroo meat thing years (and years and years ago), but I don't know that there's really a problem with it. I've certain eaten worse that kangaroo in my life, and their tacos sure are good, so who am I to complain?
In any case, I also love a Breakfast Jack, and they have a great selection - much wider variety than just about any other fast food, which is awesome. Sure, those tacos are deep-fried (not just the shells, the entire taco), but man they are good.
For whatever reason, the Concord location is always a lot friendlier than most other locations, or maybe we just happen to hit them at the right times. I don't know what it is, but they always have service with a smile.
The one downside to Jack is that they can be slow - even though most fast food places make your food to order, if the cooks at Jack are running behind, it can be a really long wait. Just get your drink and kick back at the table, because standing at the counter is not going to make you feel good about anything.