The person who called me, Angelina, told me 3 times this was NOT a time share or anything similar to a timeshare. She told me she was from Southwest Airlines which I'm a rewards member so I gave her my attention. I was told this was an invitation to see the "Travel Agency"
and introduce their services to me as a Southwest client. However, when I arrived (late since Angelina's number didn't answer my call like she promised if I needed her for directions)
I just wanted to be told the truth but rather was manipulated farther by Gary and Austin since they were certain I'd change my mind and listen to their solicitation well after explaining that I was not interested in their product.
I never trust anyone/company who lies to get my attention.
I did call for them to shred my information so I'd not receive any more solicitation.
We will see what happens.
How do these lying people sleep well at night?