Come on now. Walked in and immediately smelled foul odor wafting about the room. Old timers sitting scattered around the bar looking as glum as glum can look, just another day at the office.
No food, nothing special happening here, just said old timers sitting around slowly getting their buzz on and passing away the time ... watch out when they get their drunk on though, you get the foul mouths, the stumblers and an occasional tumble from the bar stool. Not pretty.
The folks that do operate this place bring in fixings for tacos on Tuesday - it's not free though, and it's not all you can eat either. They also provide foods on sundays, and my thinking is yeah that's a good idea because most of the competition is doing at least that on football Sunday - and most of them have kitchens so...
Anyway, to sum it up in a nutshell ... this place sucks.
Thank you ladies and gentlemen