| - Great sashimi, service sucks . Had the Pale girl server with attitude but the runner saved the day. Had my family with a four year old, one page food menu and 3 page menu of drinks. The food would taste better and the waiting we wouldn't mind if our waitress was more polite, but that's what we get for waitress that are pale and pretty from all the servers. She does have the only short hair there. And it's not a racist thing, I'm a server for 18 years. When your in Vegas and there are sushi everywhere, but if the server takes care of a customer and makes you feel comfortable, they will always return. Server 101. Not everything is racist. Bad server is a bad server. Give you an example. An appetizer means, small dishes served before your main menu. My appetizer came after the main menu. When the customer's soda is empty, the server could ask if you would like a refill or purchase another drink. I had to flag my server every time I needed a drink. I have a 4 year old with me, she has not perfected her chopsticks skills, so a very good server will provide a to go plastic or spoon without me requesting one. In this case I had to. I think there were 10 tables and 3 tables was occupied, so I don't think they were busy. 1st in 1st out for server, if you don't get it, google will provide the answer. If the food is taking a little bit longer no problem, servers usually try to bs that the kitchen is a little busy and the server would probably change the subject by conversing with customer. In my case the short hair girl said " there's other people here so he's cooking other people's food". This is when 3 of the main menu is on my table , but no appetizer .So I think this is bad service, not racist.