Spent $70 on set. I wanted shorter because my nail beds were non existent. She said no they will look bad. I tried 2 more times during that new set to get them shorter al the while taking nail techs advice. Been going to this salon for years. Now when they change name and with new owners I feel like I am not being taken care of like before and they are not listening at all. I model and my hands are important. I have my photograph taken a lot and on this particular time had a shoot 2 days after my nails were put on.
My nails popped off right before my shoot and I could not get in. I had to pay someone else at another salon to fix nails.
My nails popped off the day after. Was hard to get into salon. Had to go to different salon to fix. Then other nails popped off with in the next 3 days. Then more with in 11 days. Finally called after my work hours and tried to get in but are closed Sunday and Monday's. 13 days late and back and forth text messaging was unable to resolve.
Nail tech was not able to resolve issue so yes I am upset. I had to be photographed and do product demonstrations with missing nails. Nail tech insisted on longer nail length even though I had no nail beds. Then would not get me in around my work schedule and are closed Sundays and Mondays.
What would you do?