| - The Broadway one is better. However, I have to say that the props, the special effects, and the costumes were all quite fabulous. Well, it is Las Vegas, and things here all tend to be a little showier, flashier, gaudier, and more extravagant!!! So in that arena, I give it a 4.5. I couldn't understand the performers while they were singing. . .and I had very good seats. I understood Christine and the Phantom. . .but all the other performers, forget about it.
I think my friend couldn't stop thinking about the blackjack tables cos I kept seeing him fidgeting in his seat. . .even while Raoul and Christine were embracing and singing their "All I Ask of You" song.
My favorite part has always been the end, while the Phantom is sobbing with utter grief in a crumpled, dejected pile on the floor while he listens to Christine and Raoul singing "Say you love me with every waking moment" lalalala all while Raoul is rowing Christine out of the darkness in the gondola. Talk about depressing!!!