Not as great as people have raved but also not as bad as some of the real cupcake connoisseurs made it out.
However, this review is based on two cupcakes: A vanilla and a caramel.
The Basic Vanilla: Very light, moist, fluffy and tasty. Everything I like in a cupcake (I'll wave it artistic merit since it was a very basic cupcake).
Not at all as dry as some warned me, until...
Caramel: Yawn. The cake was a tad dyer than the regular vanilla (though I think it might have been the same vanilla type cake) and instead of a frosting they used a caramel glaze. Not necessarily horrible but I would've gone with a fluffy frosting to offset the bland cake. Plus it was topped with a yellow ju-jube (the hell?!). I would've opted for a candied pecan but that's just me ;)