Let me just start by saying that I have been to this salon several times. The owner (Ann) does a great job whenever I've had services with her.
However, my friend and I went the other day for eyebrow waxes and did not have a good experience. We both had girls that we hadn't met before.
I went first and she rushed me into the back room.
First let me start by saying that when I get an eyebrow wax I expect it to take about 10-15 minutes. (I've had at least 50 eyebrow waxes) She spent a grand total of maybe 2 minutes on my eyebrows. All she did was wax them! She didn't trim them or tweeze them AT ALL. And trust me, they needed it!!!
What was even worse was she spent the entire 2 minutes trying to upsell me to get other services. She said AND I QUOTE "Oh you need a facial you have a big pimple!". HOW RUDE. As if I would stay and endure another minute of her criticism. Then she asked me if I was getting a lip wax as well. I was so offended. My upper lip is NOT hairy and certainly doesn't need a $15 wax.
My friend had the same experience. They spent almost no time on her eyebrows and just tried to get her to do other services while we were there.
I can usually go about 4-6 weeks between eyebrow waxes. But this time I will need another within 2 weeks.
I will not be going back to this salon.