The last time I was here, I almost wanted to cry just from the sheer frustration of trying to find the exit out of this sardine can.
The decorations I will say is beautiful. There are beautiful flowers floating on the water, a giant buddha that greets you as you walk in, and girls scattered throughout the club to make it seem more exotic. But like many Vegas clubs here, it gets SO busy, that you have no option, but to continue to move up the different levels.
And move up we did...up and then down, up and then down. My poor legs and feet thought I was going through a Shaun T insanity workout...wahhh...
This up and down trek through the stairs was not by choice. We were actually trying to get out and asked a few security guards the direction to get out. Each time we were told something different and each time we ended up having to wait in a ridiculous line. Were we being punked?? It took us a good 1+ hours to get out!
Based on my last experience at Tao, I vowed never to come back. The decor is beautiful yes, but I didn't like that my clubbing experience involved me going up and down stairs and being incorrectly directed towards a line that didn't lead to exits for half the time.