Oh Sweet Artisan....when I'm cocooned in your dark and loving embrace, i can almost forget that I live in a cultural toilet...
Every time I pull into your South Beach-style valet, I send I a silent thankyou to the heavens that no flashing neon assaults my eyes.
Although we've had one slightly unsavory run-in with the owners (they literally bought us a round so we'd give up our seats - apparently their favorite couches), I have always had top notch service from the bartenders. I give them a liqueur and ask them to surprise me...never disappointed.
Soul Kitchen on Thursday nights is worth the wait. Every time. I wish he'd start earlier and run longer, but I'll take what i can get.
Thankyou Artisan. Thankyou.
UPDATE: I'm broken-hearted. As of 6/24/10, Soul Kitchen has been sent packing!! The owner/manager's comment: "It hasn't brought anybody in for 2 months." What?! You don't kill a 7-year classic for a brief lapse in attendance...especially at the start of summer! The thrilling replacement? 80's Flashback. Boooooo Artisan. I still love you, but you have forced me to withdraw one of your hard earned stars.