Have lived here for years now. Have not had problems until management changed. The rent was overpriced to begin with but they continue to steadily increase with no incentives to renew lease except a 'free carpet cleaning'.
The complex is in a good location within the valley, but if looking to reside in this area, the rent for houses is comparable. Las Colinas offers 'amenities' ie, fitness center, pool, hot tub, and dog park. The renovations for the pool area took nearly a year to complete. The dog park requires you to insure your dog for usage. The promises for a children's park have yet to be met. They send notices with all of these up and coming amenities they plan to pursue, but it's taken years for anything for any progress to be made.
My interactions with management have not been many, the occasions where I need to have something serviced or I have a complaint, have not been met with in a friendly fashion. In short, the staff is not courteous.