I'd actually give 3.5 stars. When is Yelp going to start allowing half points?
Bachi Burger is good food. Not overwhelmingly superb. However, there is a combination of different flavors that are nice on the palate.
I've tried a sampling of their menu - from loaded fries, to ramen soup, to burgers - the overall review is... Everything is a bit heavy on the salty side. Bacon jam is going to be salty, I get it. Use of cumin would be better than salt though. Their oxtail meat is super tender, however, I think they cook it with too much salt.
Let's point out the vegetarians. They're not really going to like Bachi Burger, as their aren't a lot of vegetarian options... Especially if you don't want soup. More variety would help bring in more clientele.
I'll go back. I do really like the oxtail fries.