| - First timer here! I was talked into doing this run with a coworker who didn't even end up signing up to do it after I did, so I thought, "Whatever! I'm still doing it!" Luckily, another friend of mine who runs all the time decided to do it with me, and so I'm glad were able to go together.
I really didn't know what to expect. I definitely didn't expect there would be 20-something corrals. My friend signed up that she ran 9 min miles and I signed up that I did 10:30-11 min miles. That placed her in the 5th corral and my time placed me in the 22nd corral. She decided to wait in my corral with me and that forced her to wait a whole hour for my corral to start. The first few corrals were done by the time we started and the corral waiting areas were so packed like sardines.
It felt great to finally start jogging/running and some of the "runners" in the earlier corrals were already walking about 5-10 minutes in, so I was surprised. This just meant there was a bit more weaving involved, but oh well, I was glad to see there were so many people in support of this run.I enjoyed finishing the run in the stadium. I've never been in a run where you end up in a stadium. There's people up on the bleachers and people everywhere on the grass. The support was great in there when you were done! I
The shirts given this year were really nice. They were almost like that dry fit material instead of just cheap cotton. I showed my brother-in-law the shirt, and he joked and said that he would do the run just for that cool shirt since it is only $35 to enter the run and shirts like that usually cost close to that.
There were tons of vendors there to explore when done with the race. Our favorite vendor was Chick-Fil-A, because they were handing out free chicken sandiwiches!! Of course, once people found out that they were doing that, people started stalking the Chick-Fil-A truck. The volunteer/workers at Chick-Fil-A had to be more discreet about passing the sandwiches out and take little rolling coolers and sneak around the back of the truck to get to other parts of the crowd. Jamba Juice was dependable as it has been at other runs I've been to, and they had no shortage of free jamba juice!
Overall, great time and unique experience ending in the Sun Devil Stadium (which I am hesitant to say since I am a diehard Wildcat alumni...) Helpful hint: The sun felt more intense each mile into the race, so next time I am bringing a Waterpak! You should too if you decide to do it!