After spending way too much money on the crappy service at Autobell I started washing my car myself. However I was always on the lookout for a great affordable car wash even if I had to do part of the work myself.
When Wiki Wiki opened I gave it a shot! So far it has been a great experience. The staff are mostly friendly and the facilities are clean and in working order. I signed up for the monthly offer ($30 a month) for unlimited washes!
Now that people are starting to realize that they are there and they do a great job it is starting to get busy. By busy I mean the vacuums can be all in use on weekend mornings.
The only thing I will nit pick about is the entrance/exit. They share a drive way with the local auto shop, sometimes it can be a PITA to getin/getout since you have to drive thrur the parking lot of the auto repair shop.