I must have spent HOURS researching this Anew MedSpa along with others. Based on their high quality reviews, I decided to chose Anew MedSpa. They are not only AMAZING in the services they offer, but they are the NICEST people on the planet. Rachel (esthetic director and manager) made sure I knew every-single-step of how Botox works and the routines/procedures/payments/etc of this spa. Daniella (nurse practitioner who did the Botox) explained the procedure (I was nervous...) and even gave her email so I could check in with her anytime with any questions. By the way - she emailed me back within hours of me sending her a question and was so kind. What I LOVE about this place is how they go for a natural look. Nothing "fake" about how your Botox will look or any other treatments. I definitely did not want that fake look - and was happy to hear they dont like that look either. They are about enhancing your natural look. Since my first appointment with them, I have been back for more appointments and even use the skincare they sell there (Zo Skin Health). Seriously - my skin has never looked better. I am beyond thrilled with their services and with the products they offer. I completely 100% recommend them!