I feel if I were ever going to write a memoir of my life there would be an entire chapter dedicated to my multiple experiences at this Best Buy.
I have to come here quite often for work to purchase items. These items are usually locked up in a case and require assistance to open them. In order to get assistance you will need to find one of the 3 or 4 employees out on the floor. I come here so often that I'm pretty much expect the crummy costumer service. It's almost comical to me now. A trip that should take around 10-15 minutes usually ends up being around 30-45.
I don't know what it is about the employees out on the floor. I swear I see fear in their eyes whenever I try and flag one of them down to help me out. I'm not scary I swear, I just need you to unlock this case so I can get my GoPro and leave. Whenever I finally spot someone in a blue shirt and track them down it's either, "oh, sorry I JUST went on break" or "it's the end of my shift, byeee!"
I'm giving two stars because when I finally am able to get some assistance and make it to the register the cashiers are always so sweet and friendly.