I should have turned and ran when I saw the employees outside smoking cigarettes, but my gelato craving enticed me to give it a try. I began scanning the flavors to see which I would like to try and was approached by the employee. I asked if she would wash her hands before serving me my samples and with a stank face she said she would. After trying two samples, I was already disturbed by the unfriendly attitude I was receiving. My friend had already decided on getting a medium , so I decided to get a small of the flavor that I did enjoy. Since we had just eaten dinner, we got the ice cream to go and asked the employer if she had ice to package with our gelato. She crammed lids onto the top of the cups which oozed gelato all over the side. I had a bad feeling about the outcome of this packaging, but was ready to get my gelato and go. She filled a bag with ice and put the two gelatos in the bag. My friend and I got home and were livid to find that the lids had fallen off and the gelato had melted all over the ice-filled bag. We called to complain and the owner told us the only way we could get a refund was if we came back to the store. With melted gelato in hand, we headed twenty minutes back to the shop, showed the owner the bag, and got a cash refund. We will never return.