| - Alright, normally I don't review Starbucks. What's the point? They are so very similar. That's the reason you go to Starbucks. It's consistent. (That and the free soy milk for the lactarded amoung us, and the free wifi when traveling). I have to say though, this Starbucks that I popped into had SUCH excellent service that I had to comment.
Now for myself, they did screw up my drink, but in the end they got it right, and all was well (although they overcharged me, but whatevs. I didn't feel like making a fuss over less than a dollar.)
However while I was sitting, drinking my bevvie, snacking on some veggies from my purse, I saw a group of teenaged girls come in from the high school across the street, and order three waters. The barrista not only gave the girls their free water, but she did it without a grudge. Then a man came in and asked for a bag of ice for his hand. Another barrista happily gave him a food bag full of ice, and even apologized for not having a plastic bag. Nicely done. It's not just fulfilling the odd customer request, it's doing it HAPPILY. That's not seen very often.
Bonus points for Tom Waits and Regina Spektor playing.