| - This is the place for ultimate shopping experience in typical North American style. There are number of stores of outlet size, selling the products on regular prices and you need to walk outside to visit them, some restaurants in between, movie theatre and here we are, the very successful shopping formula of our Southern neighbours. The problem for me is in Quebec similar formula works well during the spring (or whatever we have during April, May) and the fall. Walking out in the cold winter weather or sticky summer is not a pleasure I reserve for similar opened concrete spaces, where you would hardly see a tree or may be blown by the Northern winds.
Besides that for good or bad Dix-30 continues to grow up to a monstrous size. Still walkable, but really you are at the point to use your car to move around, another hassle as on a weekend afternoon the place is packed with cars trying to park or just creating traffic jams.
So you would ask why I still come here, well because of the ultimate shopping experience. Every brand has a store in this shopping area today and even more than one. Last time I found the needed size of shoes in the second store, while the first didn't have it. Most of the stores are big and well arranged, sometimes better supplied than downtown Montreal. That applies to groceries stores as Adonis or simply Canadian Tyre. Conclusion, if you are not afraid to cross the bridge and leave behind your beloved Montreal come over for some suburban shopping.