We attended the 4-course beer pairing and I highly recommend it. The service was amazing and fast. The pairing experience lasted about 2 hours and you are seating with other diners at a table that seats 16 people so you have an opportunity to really interact with the other diners which for us made the experience more fun. If you are not a social butterfly this type of dining experience may not be for you.
During the pairing the beer representative made his rounds explaining what we were drinking and the history behind the beer and how it is made. The chef also made his rounds after each course was served to give us the ingredients and techniques used. Overall a great experience, plenty of service and we didn't have to do anything. The only things that could have been a little different was the lighting was very dim so reading about our experience or reviewing the catalogs that were on the table was difficult and it was at times difficult to hear what was being said over the restaurant and other patron noise.