Can we hire the homeless to replace the uneducated lazy workers in this store? My dad always wants to shop here for his huge electronic buys and he drags me along. One time they had a sale on usb sticks. The store was packed and plenty of available workers because of the sale. There were 3 sales rep standing at the computer alone just chit chatting. We approached them and I held up the ad with the usb stick so they could help us because we couldnt find them. "We sold out of those," one of them said right away without checking the system or offering other help we might have needed. So we said thanks because we're polite. Then as we walk towards the exit we bumped into a stand FULL of of the exact usb sticks that were in the ads. Then today i asked a "helpful" Sydney for help with a desktop my dad was interested in. There was a sticker price on the shelf with the desktop in boxes at the bottom. I asked Sydney if there was a display model so we can see the actual physical size because I couldn't find it on the shelf. She came right away and pointed to a random desktop. I said, "uhh no...i dont think so." Then she compared the model number and realize it wasn't it and then said she can pull up a picture on her phone. In summary, this is their sale tactic, point to random crap and hope the customers aren't smart enough to catch their BS, that's probably why they had shelves on "open boxes" sales. Besides the friendly elderly greeter at the door, everyone here is a joke.