Very very Dissatisfied. 2 days ago we ordered Takeout. 2-8oz Sirloin and 1-11oz Sirloin. Both 8oz Medium and the 11oz Medium Rare with all 3 getting Loaded. As I pay for our meal the Hostess or whomever kept Staring at me. I was on a phone call and asked the person Do I tip for carry out? There was 2 other carry outs before me. The girl brought their bags out and handed it to them. She brings mine out and pulls me to the side she takes every bit of mine out of the bag spilling the salad. So she takes it to the back and brings me back the same container. You could tell because of the way the styrofoam was crunched. Ok now I get home and mind you it's 9pm. The 2-8oz steaks was so raw and the 11oz was dry and cooked well done. I called and spoke to the Manager Jestine(I believe). Rude as Hell. Said I could pick up the same that night. It was way to late. So we asked about the next day. She advised no said she had no authority. But could mail us a certificate. We all know that will never happen. It's a dam shame I paid in cash. After a while if being very rude my boyfriend took the phone and she was ruder but said she would have Mike call us yesterday. No response. I called twice and got no where. I called today and OMG she was ruder saying she told us Mike had a Cater to serve. First off No she didn't. But you can argue that on the phone. But what I can argue, all of our phone calls are recorded. Thinking on sending the call to the Corporate Office. When we pay that much and FYI- we paid all the extras for Loaded potatoes. Wrong, they was plain and Very Very Dry!!! Yikes, it's making me give a star. I guess I will give that for the peanuts as we didn't get any rolls. Maybe because they was closing at 9:30 and I was there at 845