I went for my first class (after going to Moksha for 6 months) with a Groupon. I ended up with Mahshid as my instructor who told us at the beginning of the class it was her "second class." She also instructed the beginners to go to the second row - but really there was no space in the second row.
Throughout the class we were not allowed to wrest in the 'child's pose' and had to lie on our backs, nor were we allowed to even DRINK WATER when we needed too. She was constantly picking on my friend (beginner) and I (with 6 months experience at Moksha) throughout and even admitted to her manager at the end that she "was going on hard us." At the end of the session she then said it was 'basically her first class.'
I spoke to her after the class and gave her constructive feedback - none of which she actually listened too. I said (in a respectful manner) that she should ask everyone who is a beginner to raise their hand in the beginning of the class and also ask who is not ok with being adjusted. That way no one feels picked on. Her response was that "I asked beginners to go to the second row." But there was no room in the second row? I also asked about why we couldn't sit in child's pose and she said that was Bheda Yoga's 'rules.' I then asked why I couldn't drink water when I needed too - that I wasn't disrupting the class etc. Her response was "I went the first year without water and trust me you can do it - just push yourself." I believe someone that is doing Yoga for the first time - or in my case after a few months should be allowed to drink water at their convenience. The instructor shouldn't dictate this. Overall she interrupted me throughout my feedback talk and didn't even let me finish what I was saying - anything she couldn't answer she wanted me to speak to the manager about.
I was so turned off by the class and by her lack of ability to take constructive criticism that I haven't gone back in 2 weeks. Definitely not attending her class and leaving Bheda if this continues with other instructors. As for my beginner friend - I don't think he has any intention of going back at all. He said the Bheda Yoga Session prior to Mahshid's was really great and also felt Mahshid was picking on us (considering her class was his second I find this credible).