| - I wasn't quite sure that Vegas pool parties were my thing, but my friend convinced me to get tickets to Wet Republic, and I was pretty much sold because Tiesto was spinning. Said friend arrived ahead of me and told me not even to bother, the place was insanely packed and the lines to get in were equally insane, but I paid my $$ dammit and I was determined to at least get in and see Tiesto for a minute.
Of course, 30+ minutes in crazy lines, inside to a overly packed party, only to see that Tiesto wasn't on yet....we didn't wait around to see what time he finally made it. We did venture to the bar for one drink, which I needed to sell my kidney for (seriously 2 "large" margaritas in collectible cups that we tossed, and 1 beer was $108...yikes).
We walked around for a bit (did dare venture in that nasty pool) gawked at the hot girls, GTL guys, and headed for the casino...where the drinks are drastically cheaper lol.
Glad I did it once in my life, but never again. Even the cabana people didn't look like they had enough room to warrant selling their first born.