You just can't beat a Vegas spa for over the top decadance! Qua hit the spot when I wanted away from the constant sensory overload of the casino and the vegas crowds. The spa itself is seperated into the men and womens side. Each side sports grand Roman Style bath/jacuzzis which are kept at three different temperatures: hot, hotter and ice cold. At the side of the baths are tiled seats shaped like lawn chairs (thermal stone deep relaxation chaises) that are heated! I felt like some lazy reptile basking on a heat rock! There are also a nice herbal steam room spiked with eucalyptus to clear the sinuses. Also, something I haven't ever seen. They have a cold room where you can go if you get too overheated. Seriously! little snow flakes and everything falling! Price for the services can feel a bit steep. 50 minutes for a classic massage will run you $140. Use of the spa without any services is $45 dollars which is well worth it in my opinion. I spent 6 hours here my last visit and it was worth every penny!