The opposite of FRIENDLY!! This place should change their name to 'Rude Computers' as they are absolutely horrible and liars on top of that. Quoted me a price for laptop adapter for my specific model over the phone, only to change the price when I got there! Doubled the price I was originally quoted only to make up an excuse that its the starting price when in actuality they stated it was the exact price over the phone just to get me in the door.
How about the cord they sold me for double the price is complete garbage?! As soon as you take it out, your computer immediately turns off which is unusual for a laptop adapter, you usually have a minute or 10 that your computer can run without the cord. So, yeah, I got had for a crappy cord...but as they say fool me once..
Oh yeah, and the fat guy in the front is super rude and doesn't even say Thank you to customers for their business as if he is doing someone a favor with his crappy service, lies, and equipment! STAY far far AWAY I can not stress this enough...pick another computer place, any in Centennial would be better than this...I'd bet on it.