I came into this store yesterday because my phone wasn't sending/receiving calls or texts. Kristopher helped me and told me it was probably a bad SIM card. He signed into my account using my phone number. He replaced the SIM card and then called his phone from mine to test it. He then asked "What's your phone number? 808...?" He seemed confused and was looking at my account. I then told him "No, it's 602-xxx-xxxx" Then he was like "Right, right well it works now!" and then I left the store.
When I started using my phone, everyone told me my number was coming up as a Hawaiian area code number. (The 808 that he mentioned earlier) I use my phone for business and have my number on a lot of advertising material, so changing my number would be costly. I spoke with customer service, who told me my old number had been deleted and I couldn't get it back. They tried to say it was fraud and that someone hacked my account and changed it. I had to wait until today to speak with a woman in the fraud department, who was actually very helpful (she gets 5 stars for her service) and with the help of her supervisor, got my old number back onto my account. She didn't understand why it had been changed, but didn't think it was fraud. She said it probably happened at the store. She also didn't understand why customer service didn't know how to fix it themselves.
I'm glad I got my number back, but am disappointed in the customer service at the store. It was pretty obvious by his behavior and reaction to my phone number that Kristopher knew he had messed something up. He clearly saw that my number coming up on his phone wasn't the same number I told him. He should have owned up to his mistake and fixed it on the spot.
I have had bad service at this location before and will not be returning.