Two weekend breakfast visits. Same perspective:
It's a diner. Pretty well kept. Small. Typical menu.
It's popular. Why? I presume that it's because Solon is a soul crushingly sterile place to live, and Jim's at least has some color.
Expect to wait weekend mornings (when we went).
Average food. Ok by me, it's a diner. Reasonably priced.
The service? Grumpy. Tattoo's galore. Did I mention Real grumpy? "I don't wanna be here so I'm not gonna make a single effort to welcome you, introduce myself, smile or anything. Here's your food. Eat it. Get out. Cash only (the ATM takes up half the waiting space)."
Average food and grumpy service? Count me out.
Great food and ALWAYS happy to see me? That's Yours Truly, and that's where you can find me.