I just talked to these people about re-running my cooling lines from my ground AC unit to my air-mover in my attic. I happen to have an AC unit that is covered by my home warranty but all cooling lines are not and I am free to hire whomever I choose to do any work on them. I was informed by the people at George Brazil that they DO NOT SERVICE HOMES THAT CARRY A HOME WARRANTY. PERIOD. So, I guess if you happen to have a home warranty, you needn't bother even call these guys. Business must be pretty good over there, as I can't remember the last time I called a contractor to hire them for a job that flat out said no. I suppose they have their reasons, and I understand not wanting to work FOR home warranty companies, acting as their repair techs, but I don't understand why you wouldn't want to scoop up all the work that ISN'T covered by anyone's warranty. It's like a plumber saying that though your home warranty doesn't cover the waste-water line from your house to the street, they flat out refuse to even consider fixing it for you because of your home warranty status. I guess the economy in Brazil isn't as bad as I thought it was.