This place is SUUUPER cheesy looking.
From the outside, it looks as if this place has closed down. Then you walk in and it is dimly lit, purple carpeting and neon lights scattered throughout.
The A/C is blowing as cold as possible, their are tourists and alcoholics everywhere, the waitresses are VERY scantily clad and you at first feel like you walked into a strip club by accident.
The hot wings are decent at best, Munch's breakfast which is similar to a breakfast hash was not bad but not that good and I also ordered Joe's San Francisco special, which was definitely the best dish I had their. Even this dish was maybe a 2 star at best, the only positive of this place is having fun watching the waitresses picking things up off the floor.
It was a good hangover pick me up, but then I got back to my hotel with a severe case of CHORRO!!!!....!!!
Keep this in mind when considering coming here