Purchased a coupon for Mad Chef on Restaurant.com. Showed up there tonight and was informed that they would not accept the coupon because they were not participating in the "deal" that was offered (then why are you listed on their site?). I asked if they were refunding the purchase price and the woman (I'm guessing one of the owners) said, and I quote, "What??? Your 2 dollars?" And that was it. Really? you're going to be that rude and call me out? The dollar amount wasn't important to me. The fact that I had to waste my time going down there to find out they wouldn't honor it and then be treated rudely was the issue. So instead of honoring the coupon and possibly gaining a pair of regular customers for the duration that their business is open, which, if their hospitality is any gauge...won't be long, she decides to be rude and run us off. GREAT business practice lady!!! I give you couple more months just like every other business that goes into that location. Now off to Twitter and Facebook to spread the word about this wonderfully rude establishment. Oh, and they got 1 star because I couldn't give less. Have a nice day!