I was also there at 4pm with a 5pm close today 6/10/18. I was told they were not showing because they had closed the model. That they had done all their "appointments for the day" so they locked it up.
Typically an apartment complex would stop showing at 4:30pm if they closed at 5. There is no "appointment" required... I said, "I checked this place out on the internet. NOWHERE on the website does it say this complex is appointment only". Leasing agent Colby said, "no appointments required, but we had finished them all for the day so we closed the model". Who makes an f*****g appt to see an apartment. NOONE! That may have been the most lame excuse for choosing to not show or rent a unit to someone. I have my inkling as to why he chose not to show it to us but I will not spell that out here.
Hmmm, complex has a bunch of vacancies and you turn potential renters away. Wonder how helpful you will be if I am a tenant and need something. Just remember, when someone shows you who they are, believe them! Thank you Colby!