| - Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is this place always so PACKED? I know, I know, I know - it's good for business, it means someone is making BANK, but jeez. It's the closest one to my place and it's just always packed :(
Regardless, it's Baskin Robbins. This place reminds me of my childhood, back when I thought Bubblegum was the one flavor out of the 31 that God created himself (that is now at a tie between choc/PB and mint chocolate chip - I'm older, wiser...). I try to taste other flavors but I just keep going back to those.
The staff has always been friendly and prompt. I mean, if I had to change one thing it'd be that awkward, follow-you-around thing that they do. You know, where they kinda act as a mirror and move around with you while you admire all 31 flavors for the millionth time because who hasn't been to BR? I get it though - they're just being proactive. So thank you, BR, for caring so much LOL.