| - DO NOT RECOMMEND! Worst thing that happened to my dying dog was nightmare vet Dr. Tara Enwiller. She did a spinal tap what was so full of blood, no vet could read it so just four days later my little 6 pound dog had GET ANOTHER spinal tap -- at another vet office -- so the results could be read. And Tara Enwiller did the spinal tap directly into my dog's badly affected, crippled neck, something other vets told me they had no idea WHY she would do that -- they did the next one into his lower back.
Tara Enwiller did not return EIGHT phone calls I made to her office to talk about the result of my dog's tests that she had done, nor discuss his prognosis, his diagnosis, nothing. She was MIA to discuss his case and the $1,200 worth of tests she had done, even though I had gotten my dog back from her far more crippled than when she got him.
She also did an expensive CT scan when all doctors told me they would have done an MRI. Seems like she sold me what she had -- NOT what was best for my dog. She was rude, incompetent, uncaring, and a poor excuse for a vet. She never even touched my dog during the consultation, I had to ASK the office manager to please have Enwiller examine my dog during an examination!
Top of Enwiller's incompetence with the rude attitude of office manager Jessica Greybill, and you have a disaster for your pets. Arizona Veterinary Specialists (Southwest Veterinary Surgical Service) is the last place you should entrust your beloved pets to.
I started a court case against Enwiller and had as a witness the Chief of Radiology from one of the USA's top vet teaching hospital who said, among other things -- "Had she simply talked to you, and told you the details of your dog's tests, you would have KNOWN he had no chance. You could have stopped spending money and putting him through tests and let him die peacefully." Instead I ran him from vet to vet, including getting his tests redone and flying him to Oklahoma State University Vet Teaching Hopsital to REDO all her tests. (Lucky for nightmare vet Tara Enwiller, I dropped the case as I had to be out of the country for 5 months.)
And what my beloved dog really needed was nothing - he needed to spend his last few days dying at home with me, comfortably, quietly, in peace. Instead he was poked, prodded, injected and passed from doctor to doctor.
Dr. Tara Enwiller -- you are a nightmare. You should stop pretending you give a damn about animals. Money -- yes. The true welfare of the animals in your care -- no.
Keyword cloud: pets, animals, cats, dogs, birds, vets, veterinarians, graduate Oklahoma State University, surgery, surgeon, Gilbert, Arizona, doctor, Dr., DVM, MS, DACVS,, Southwest Veterinary Surgical Services, P.C., 480-892-0540, 480-635-1110, Tara M. Enwiller