Oh my alma mater....
Attending the largest school in the U.S. was an unforgettable experience. I made friends I'm still in touch with now and don't regret for one second that I went to ASU.
Dorms: Unlike Michelle, I liked Cholla. Although, I was there before all these new dorms were being built. These are the friends I'm still in touch with for sure. You make friends also when you've decided your major and the classes get smaller. Suck it up or get a bike. I'd definitely recommend a bike. It's probably better exercise than just walking. But do invest in a good bike lock. They love to steal bikes.
Sports: Um....I went to mostly football games. Did I know what was going on? Not really. But they were still fun. And even if we lost, you can guarantee that when the game was over and everyone was leaving to go home, you heard the loud chanting of, "let's get wasted!" **clap clap clap clap clap** I'm more a basketball fan but I never went to any games....
Academics: I got my B.S. in Recreation. HAHA. Seriously, I did. My concentration was in Tourism Management. I figured since I like to travel that would be a good major. I went on two separate summer study abroads in the same summer of my junior year with my tourism major. First half was Australia/Fiji and the second half was Austria/Holland. I would totally recommend going on at least one study abroad. I still can't believe one could order a beer at a movie theater in Amsterdam...
This review could honestly go on forever if I'm covering topics like this. Anyway, I enjoyed it. Some obviously would think otherwise. You can't like everything!
P.S. Watch out for Parking & Transit. The tickets are only $25, but an irritating $25.