i was actually on my way to trader joes but fresh market was closer so i thought i would give it a chance. stupidly, i waited until saturday to go and, of course, the place was very crowded. this might not have been so much of a problem in another store but the layout of fresh market is narrow and cramped. the entire store is awkwardly designed and dimly lit.
i was only looking for three items, one of which was fresh salsa. either they don't carry it or i couldn't find it. they also didn't have broccoli slaw and i have to say that i was disappointed by the produce department overall.
i did find a good selection of goat cheeses.
products are crammed into every nook and cranny of this place, in the most overwhelming sense possible (the front of the store had a ridiculous amount of christmas stuff).
pros: great cheese/ meat section; looked to be a nice bakery; some hard-to-find items can be found here
cons: disappointing produce; horribly cramped aisles especially when they are crowded; most things are overpriced; time consuming to find things
to be fair, i have only visited once so, if i go again and have a better experience, i will update this review.